I hope you’re doing well, haven’t seen each other in a while. As far as receptor tracking in slices go, we’ve not progressed much. As you’ve done, we routinely use FRAP of phluorin-tagged receptors to evaluate mobility in slices, and this works well, except for the over-expression issue.
As for quantum dot tracking in slices, our own trials have been quite unsuccessful, most QDs being generally too sticky and not diffusing well in tissue. Thus, as for tracking endogenous receptors, I think it’s quite hopeless. I do have seen in a few other labs people using GFP tagged proteins and managing to track them with anti-GFP coated QDs, but I have no direct experience with this approach as if I’m to use a tagged receptor, I prefer then to use FRAP in slice as it’s less prone to artifacts I think.
Sorry I can’t [[help]] more, sure I’d wish we could do that……
There are two major groups of methods for functional super-resolution microscopy:
1. Deterministic super-resolution: The most commonly used emitters in biological microscopy, fluorophores, show a nonlinear response to excitation, and this nonlinear response can be exploited to enhance resolution. These methods include STED, GSD, RESOLFT and SSIM.
2. Stochastical super-resolution PALM STORM: The chemical complexity of many molecular light sources gives them a complex temporal behaviour, which can be used to make several close-by fluorophores emit light at separate times and thereby become resolvable in time. These methods include SOFI and all single-molecule localization methods (SMLM) such as SPDM, SPDMphymod, PALM, FPALM, STORM and dSTORM.