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This page contains documentation related to the open source project: plasticity. Source code for this project can be found in the plasticity github code repository.


There are several ways to generate an acceptable polygon surface for particle diffusion. Essentially the surface is a tetrahedral mesh with vertices located in 3D space at x,y,z cartesian coordinates, such that each vertex-point is of data-type 'double' machine precision.

vertex-point example:

Each vertex also has a unique positive integer index number, that range from 1-N where N is the total number of vertices in the mesh. Note that since Python indexing starts at 0, index numbers actually range from 0-[N-1]; in Matlab indexing starts at 1, so keep this in mind when passing data between Python and Matlab.

Python's fenics/dolfin meshing package renders XML output for a single vertex as:

   <vertex index="0" x="-5.000000000000000e+01" y="-4.619397662556434e+01" z="-3.086582838174552e+01" />

In a tetrahedral mesh each vertex-point is connected by straight lines to other vertices, forming a closed triangular mesh. Thus, to go along with a list of vertex points, the mesh also requires a triangulation connectivity list. This matrix contains the following information:

   Each row represents a triangle or tetrahedron in the triangulation.
   Each index number is a unique ID for each triangle or tetrahedron.
   Each element is a vertex ID.

Python's fenics/dolfin meshing package renders XML output for a single tetrahedron as:

   <tetrahedron index="0" v0="224" v1="325" v2="1334" v3="1576" />

Here's a more complete example of the XML file generated using fenics/dolfin:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <dolfin xmlns:dolfin="">

 <mesh celltype="tetrahedron" dim="3">
   <vertices size="1870">
     <vertex index="0" x="-5.00000e+01" y="-4.61939e+01" z="-3.08658e+01" />
     <vertex index="1" x="-5.00000e+01" y="-4.04219e+01" z="-2.08183e+01" />
     <vertex index="2" x="-5.00000e+01" y="-3.25491e+01" z="-1.23416e+01" />
     <vertex index="1867" x="1.35696e+02" y="3.91776e+01" z="-5.20005e+01" />
     <vertex index="1868" x="2.11946e+02" y="4.14023e+01" z="-2.20125e+01" />
     <vertex index="1869" x="6.98190e+00" y="1.10172e+01" z="-7.31615e+01" />
   <cells size="7759">
     <tetrahedron index="0" v0="224" v1="325" v2="1334" v3="1576" />
     <tetrahedron index="1" v0="1111" v1="1201" v2="1265" v3="1427" />
     <tetrahedron index="2" v0="92" v1="129" v2="329" v3="1306" />
     <tetrahedron index="7756" v0="1132" v1="1501" v2="1640" v3="1869" />
     <tetrahedron index="7757" v0="1132" v1="1230" v2="1640" v3="1869" />
     <tetrahedron index="7758" v0="1230" v1="1501" v2="1640" v3="1869" />


                                                        1. SHELL PATH ############################
            1. APPLE PYTHON 2.7 ######

export PATH="$PATH:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin"

            1. FENICS ######

source "/Applications/"


export PATH="$PATH:/Users/bradleymonk/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/bin"